Best First Blog Post Examples with Amazing Tips and Guidance

A first blog post is an introductory article that a blogger publishes on their blog. It’s usually about themselves, why they started blogging, or what kind of posts they will be writing in the future.

This article talks about blog posts and includes some tips for posting your first one!. It also consists of the best first blog post examples helping you to take your first step with ease.

Writing Your First Blog Post and Tips

What Happens After You Hit “Publish” on your First Post: you start blogging! Congratulations and welcome aboard. We’re so happy you joined us for this journey of writing, publishing, and sharing your stories with the world.

Now that we’ve published our first article, it’s time to get started on another one already – or maybe rest up after all that hard work?

If you’re looking for some inspiration, check out this article about what happens when someone publishes their first ever blog post.

tips and tricks for first blog post

Tip Number 1: Know Thyself

Suppose you have a considerable significant life experience, blog about that. Have an essential opinion? Blog about it! Want to talk about something nobody else has tackled before? Could you do it? But make sure there are people out there interested in what you’re writing.

Tip Number 2: Consider your Audience

Decide who’ll be reading the blog before clicking “Publish.” You don’t have to cater exclusively to one group of people but consider how different audiences might perceive your post and what parts of it they might find more or less attractive. 

Tip Number 3: Share Your Story

If you’re writing for the first time, there’s no better way to start than by sharing your story.

Take the time to craft an intro that doesn’t feel like too much of a sales pitch. Share something about yourself or how you came up with the idea for this blog and make it personal enough so readers can connect with what matters most: who are you? What do you stand for? Why should people care about what you have to say on this topic in particular?”

Tip Number 4: Be careful not to over-promise

A first new blog post is just making a first impression, but don’t blow things out of proportion! You might be jazzed because publishing feels like crossing some major first-time blogger milestone, but if you want people to stick around and read your other posts, try not to say too much in the first one.

Tip Number 5: Keep it Simple!

Don’t worry about editing for perfection—get something down on paper (or digital pixels!), so you can start sharing what matters most with readers who are interested in hearing from you now. You’ll have time, later on, to go back and refine things as they come up.

This section has five tips that will help new bloggers out there getting started. First-time bloggers need to make sure they adhere to these blogging rules while starting their page off correctly.

What Do You Write in Your First Blog Post Example

"guides for first blog post examples"

It’s tough to say. “Rules of the Game” in blogging is totally up for grabs – everything from opinion-driven to informative, from stark and simple to complex and colorful.

The first post should be about the topic that your blog revolves around. If you’re trying to write it, think beyond it and imagine how your post will look like once you have other posts in your blog. You have to think beyond the first blog post.

Try to think of something you can do that has never been done before (Ex. An interview with someone who’s done this before (interviews are great first posts!), tips from people like yourself or other bloggers who’ve learned lessons over time, highlighting some community events worth checking out).

When you start blogging, it does not make sense to get right down to writing about anything. You need to provide readers with a little bit of background information to understand the type of posts they can expect from your website.

To give people an idea of where you usually talk about and what kind of things they can expect from reading your blog posts, you could open up with something creative like this:

Welcome! Thank you for joining me on my first day in the blogging world! I’m excited about all sorts of discoveries along the way.

Writing something like this introduction will help your readers understand what you are writing about.

How Long Should Your First Blog Post Be?

This first post should be around 300 words or more. You will have to research the optimal length for a first post, but this is usually the starting point.

Another approach is to start with a longer, more informative post. You can use this first post to introduce your blog and give a first impression of what it’s all about.

I’m going to take the 300-words approach, but you could do whatever makes you most comfortable!

The first couple of lines are who wrote the article, why they’re writing it, or some other introductory information that doesn’t directly pertain to any topic mentioned. This text is called “lead” text.”

What are Excellent Bloggers’ First Post Titles?

first titles for first blogs

You might be wondering, “what’s a first blog post?”. Well, the first blog posts are the first few pieces of content written for your personal/professional blog.

These posts are usually something new bloggers introduce themselves and their work (though you could also start by writing about a topic that interests you).

In this first example, I’ll write about choosing one good title for your first post.

When they’re starting, the question on all writers’ minds is often: what should my title be? Here are some things you may want in mind while choosing yours

It Should Grab People’s Attention

The title draws people into the first post. If it’s not compelling enough, people will go elsewhere and miss out on your content.

It Should Tell People What the Post is About

The title should make clear what you’re writing about in this first blog post examples.

Keep It Short and Simple (You Can Get More Creative with Titles Later)

Titles don’t have to be lengthy or complicated but try not to put too much information into them either because they can get confusing for readers who are just trying to find where something lives online.

It Shouldn’t Be Too Broad/Specific Either.

If a reader isn’t sure if your first posts example covers their specific needs or interests, they may skim over it without clicking. You want a title that speaks directly to your reader.

How do You Start a Blog For Free?

Blogging is a great way to get your thoughts out there and share them with the world. Blogging allows you to explore what interests you, build relationships in communities that align with those interests, and increase your understanding of topics by sharing first-hand knowledge from experience. Blogging also helps readers find new information or viewpoints different from their own.

hoe to start blogging for free

This article will cover some first blog post examples on starting blogging for free without any technical skills whatsoever! Ready? Let’s go!

First, we’ll need a platform like WordPress, Tumblr, or Medium to publish our content (note: We’re going to use WordPress as an example). These platforms offer lots of options for free accounts, so it allows you to blog without any expense on your side.

Second, we’ll need to sign up for a Gmail account. It’s free, too!

Third, we can choose our first posts by selecting the title and date of publication. Right after that, we’re going to write it in the editor with WordPress or Tumblr (select your choice at this point).

Next, insert links from other pages like YouTube videos to include them within your blog posts and images on Pinterest. Click “Publish” once done writing so readers can enjoy what you have written for them.

How to Write Your First Blog Post (Examples)

steps for writing blogs for the first post

Want to write your first blog post? Here are some steps that you can take to do that.

  1. know your reason
  2. brainstorm topics
  3. write first draft and research more on it
  4. publish your first blog
  5. share it on social media

let’s move on to the details on the steps used to write your primary blog post.

STEP 1: Know Your Reason Why

First, make sure you are ready to start blogging. Here are a few reasons why:

  • You have something exciting or important to say and want an audience of people who might find it valuable
  • You enjoy writing and sharing your thoughts with others in the form of blog posts (writing first drafts is often daunting)
  • You know that if you write about what’s happening in your life now when you look back on this time, later on, these memories will be fresh for years to come

Step 2: Brainstorm Topics for Your First Blog Post

Here are some first post ideas:

  • What you had for breakfast this morning
  • Your favorite childhood book and why it’s unique to you
  • A photo of your pet (or any animal) that has passed away and what they meant to you

STEP 3: Write the First Draft, or Do More Research if Necessary

Don’t worry about grammar errors – start writing! Blogging is an art form in which people share their thoughts with others online in posts. These blogs can be read by anyone who wishes on the internet, so feel free to write whatever feels natural.

Once finished with your post, look back over what you’ve written before publishing; make sure there aren’t too many errors, and an average reader can easily understand it.

STEP 4: Publish your First Blog Post!

Now that you are finished with your first draft, it is time to create your post. Publishing is easy. You will usually have that option inside your content management system like WordPress.

STEP 5: Share it on Social Media

Would you mind sharing it with the people you know at work with co-workers or friends and family? The best way to reach them is through social media.

Keep in mind the people you share this blog post with will be able to see any future positions you publish as well – so if they don’t enjoy reading about a specific topic, they will most likely not read your blog in the future.

Ideas for the First Blog Posts with Examples

Now, I know you are reading this post because you are looking for some first-post ideas. Here are some of them.

flashing idea for first blog posts

Some of the different types of blog post examples are;

  1. The overview
  2. The question
  3. The in-depth guide
  4. The first step
  5. How to guides

Type one: The Overview

In this type of blog post, you will be tackling what your blog is all about. Aside from introducing yourself, you will also introduce the topic of the blog. So it goes like this.

“Hey! I’m Jane, and this is my first post in blogging!”

“Welcome to my first blog. In today’s article, we will be discussing first-person perspective in literature.”

It is the most basic among the first post ideas listed in this article.

Type two: The Question

This type of blog date poses a question for the reader and then answers it.

This post can help you create your website quicker by ensuring that content like “types of blogs on Tumblr” or “blogging tips 2017,” is answered right away! It also helps your audience get an idea of what your site is all about without reading your articles. So here goes.

This type of post takes the reader’s opinion into account. It is like you are consulting them on what kinds of posts they like to see in the future. This type of post goes like this.

“What do you think of __________?

This is the first post in a series of posts about ________.

The first step to becoming a successful blogger is knowing your audience and what they want from you. This type is one of the best first blog post ideas that is precisely made for that purpose.

Type three: The In-Depth Guide

In this post, you will be demonstrating your expertise in one blog post. This post is a post to help people understand something that they otherwise would have no idea. It is an in-depth guide for beginners with just the proper amount of detail and explanation without being overwhelming.

This type of blog post takes between 2000-3000 words to cover everything you need to know about its subject matter.

Type four: The First Step

The first step post is one or two paragraphs long but usually not more than three paragraphs long. They advise on what steps someone should go through when learning how to do something new.

It is a great way to onboard your readers and helps them navigate your blog. It may not be as detailed as the other blog post ideas, but it is also necessary to write your blog post.

Type five: How-To Guides

A how-to guide is usually a long post and gives readers a step-by-step process for achieving something like “how to make chocolate chip cookies.”

This type of blog post is between 500 and 2000 words in length. It is similar to the in-depth guide, only that it focuses on helping your reader do something. It is also an excellent way to write as a first post, for it is also a demonstration of your expertise.

Need more templates? You can read the blog post outline template for more. 

Why Start a Blog?

why to start first blog

A blog is a great way to build your expertise, share your knowledge and grow an audience. Writing your blog post will be the start of something new for you – so make it count!

Creating content can help establish yourself as a leader in your field, boost traffic to your website or company’s pages, and develop relationships with potential customers.

When writing our blog post, we should first consider what type of topics would work well for us. Blogs are typically written by experts who want to provide valuable information about their area of specialization and offer opinions based on research findings: These types could include long-form guides, how-to articles, opinion pieces, etc.

Here are some great reasons why you should start a blog.

Blogs are great for self-expression

Blogging is free, easy, you can do it from anywhere, and you can use sounds, videos, and pictures in your posts to add something extra that will resonate with readers who may not be able to get past the written word. Suppose you have a big following on social media networks such as Facebook or Twitter. In that case, your blog might also skyrocket in popularity as people find it’s a great way to save their favorite content yours.

Blogs are a great place to start your first business

 You can also use blogging to sell digital items like downloadable eBooks or online courses. Blogging is cost-effective in terms of time investment compared with other forms of marketing because you’re not paying for ads or taking on extra staff when it’s just an occasional addition to what you already do, so there aren’t any upfront costs.

Bloggers typically make their money through advertising revenue

Advertising companies provide advertisers with space on blogs that they want to be promoted, generating income for the blogger. This form of monetizing blog content is known as affiliate marketing. Companies will pay bloggers commissions if visitors click through their affiliate links and buy products due to the promotion.

Blogs are great for information

Blogs are great for information because many readers love the in-depth discussion and lengthy articles that require a commitment to read. A blog can stay away from just being another site that requires a quick scan because it’s so interactive. With blogs, readers can read your posts and engage with other bloggers by commenting on posts.

How Do Beginner Blogs Make Money?

There are many ways for first blog post examples to start making money. Some of these include working with affiliates or advertising networks, building membership sites, displaying ads such as Google’s AdSense network, charging users an email newsletter subscription fee – $3000 per year is the estimated worth if you had 100 subscribers more.

money making methods for bloggers

Make money blogging with affiliate networks

One of the best ways to make money from blogging is to work with affiliate networks such as Commission Junction. Thousands of companies, big and small, have affiliate programs that bloggers can join at no cost to them.

You first need a website to review products or services in a post (this is called an “affiliate site”). You then start promoting these products by linking from one side to the other via hyperlinks.

When someone clicks on your link and buys a product or service, you get paid a commission for the sale.

There are several ways to promote affiliate products and services, including banners, text ads on your site, newsletter sign-ups (where you get paid when someone signs up), or even offline opportunities such as classes where people can learn how to make money from blogging via affiliate networks.

Create membership websites

Another way to make money with your blog is to create membership sites. A membership site is a blog set up to provide free content for first-time visitors but then requires payment or some other form of contact information from the visitor to access all (or most) of the content.

For example, if you run a travel blog and want to offer your readers more detailed destination reviews, you might give first-timers just one day’s worth of posts before they have to sign up for an account with you as part of their subscription.

Display Advertising

Another way you can make money with your blog is through display advertising. A website like Google Adsense and other ad networks allow you to put ads on your blog.

Display advertising happens when an image or text appears within the content, usually with a link leading to the advertiser’s website.

Charging Users for Content

Finally, you can give your users access to exclusive content for a fee. You might charge them an annual subscription fee or a monthly membership.

In conclusion, it is possible to earn money from blogging – even at first if you’re willing to put in some work! But it all starts with writing your first blog. So if you’re ready to start, let’s write your welcome post.

How Do You Write Your Blog Welcome Post?

First, you need to decide what type of post your primary blog post will be. You can do a “What I’m Wearing Today” style fashion or beauty blog where you talk about the clothes and makeup that you’re wearing every day with photos.

Alternatively, if this will be more lifestyle-focused, look at blogs like A Cup of Jo, which have many different types of posts but don’t always include pictures.

Once you’ve decided on the topic, it’s time to start writing! It might help to think about how would respond in conversation when someone asks, ‘so what does she/he do?’ So, if people ask me what I do all day long, my answer is usually included in my first blog post.

Now that we’ve published our first article, it’s time to get started on another one already – or maybe rest up after all that hard work? If you’re looking for some inspiration, check out this article about what happens when someone publishes their first ever blog post. 

How to Think About New Blog Topics?

thinking for topics of first blog post

Now that you are done writing your first post, it is time to start blogging. You can be more consistent with this if you have a list of blog topics ready for publication.

I’d recommend creating a first blog post, “Today I Learned About…” and reviewing it in the intro paragraph. It’s a great way to start over fresh with new readers or give context for returning readers who haven’t been following your blog for a while. You can also mention key stats like total page views, coming up next, favorite posts, etc. Get creative!

What Makes the Best First Blog Posts

The best thing you can do for your blog is to start with solid content. If your first post says something thoughtful or a reaction to an exciting event, then people will come back for more.

Don’t worry about any of the other points until you have a compelling title and content that you like. Once people see what this blog is all about, they’ll let the topic guide them to relevant topics that interest them more precisely than a generic search ever could.

What Makes a Successful Blog?

The first blog post is the most important because it usually provides an overview of the subject matter and creates interest for other positions in your blog.

There are several things you can do to make your first post successful. It would help if you had a catchy title with keywords that will catch a reader’s attention, well-written descriptions for each image, engaging opening sentences about what you’ll be discussing more in detail later on, and questions at the end of each section.

Lastly, don’t forget to request feedback from others after publishing and ask them specific questions about whether they found any errors or areas that were too difficult to follow.

what is making you wait for blogging

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Anna Maria Świątecka

Anna Maria Świątecka

My mission is to teach the next generation of entrepreneurs how to make money online by building location Independent Businesses and live their lives to the fullest.
The world is your oyster. It's up to you to find the pearls." Chris Gardner 



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