How to get paid for blogging

Have you always wanted to get paid for blogging? Many people want to get into this field because it is an excellent way of generating income.

To get started, you need to know how to get paid blogging.

This article will teach you the basics about getting paid for blogging and help get your blog up and running in no time!

Do Blogs Make Money?

There are so many bloggers out there that get paid for blogging. Most of these people get their income from advertising space, sponsored posts, and affiliate marketing.

Blogs make money by collecting the ads on them or doing product placement in articles to get a commission off of sales.

The blog owner might also get paid when someone clicks on an ad to take them somewhere else, like another website or company’s product page.

Characteristics of a Blogger Who Makes Money Blogging

1 – Consistent

A consistent blogger is someone who does get paid blogging. You cannot expect to get paid with just one blog post.

You need to get a lot of traffic without any changes in the niche you’re writing about, or your audience will soon become bored of it.

2 – Focus

If you want to get paid for blogging, try to stay focused on the same topic over long periods.

Your readers are more likely to come back regularly if they know what they’ll be getting when revisiting your site.

Focusing on a single topic allows your readers to have clear expectations of the content that you will put out.

3 – Engaging

Bloggers who get paid engage with their readers more. They get involved in the comments section of their blog posts, and they also create a discussion around them.

Readers are more likely to respond if you get personal with your topics or share your personal opinions.

4 – Promotes on Social Media

If you want to get more traffic to your posts, you need to take the time to share them on social media. This is a great way to get your content seen by a wider audience.

The best way is when you have the time, find an article that has been written on topics related to yours and share it with your followers.

This method will help you get more people following what you are writing about and get them interested in reading future posts of yours too!

If being paid for blogging sounds like something up your alley, keep reading for the process.

Do I need the experience to make money blogging?

No previous work is necessary because anyone who wants to start can do this with basic computer skills and knowledge about how blogs work!

Many sites give tips and tricks as well as information about what kind of content you should put into your post for it to be successful.

How do Bloggers Get Paid?

Bloggers get paid in a few different ways.

Sometimes bloggers get paid by collecting the ads on them or doing product placement in articles to earn a commission off of sales.

The blog owner might also get paid when someone clicks on an ad to take them somewhere else, like another website or company’s product page.

Bloggers may earn additional income by signing book deals or developing speaking engagements via company sponsorships and hosting corporations/organizations that use their blog as an added marketing strategy.

Some bloggers end up increasing their subscriber list when they craft a newsletter.

They write about relevant topics to their niche and share this opportunity on social media websites like Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. Doing this action offers more options in expanding the outreach of your blog.

What Kinds of Jobs Can Bloggers Get?

A blogger can do many things related to blogging, such as working for brands, advertising products and services, finding freebies and giveaways they want to share with their followers, and affiliate marketing.

How Do Beginner Bloggers Make Money?

Beginner bloggers get their feet wet as a blogger by establishing themselves on sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

One way that beginner bloggers make money is by linking to products and services from different companies.

They give these links in their articles to get a small commission on product sales if the readers buy something they clicked on by clicking the link.

It’s also possible to write sponsored posts — ones explicitly created for brands instead of companies and websites interested in earning a commission with regular content marketing efforts.

How Do Advanced Bloggers Make Money?

Advanced bloggers get paid for blog posts about products or services related to the niche they blog in, such as fashion blogs, cooking blogs, etc.

A blogger can do many things related to blogging – working for brands, advertising products, and services, finding freebies and giveaways to share with followers, affiliate marketing.

At first, you might want to put it out there on your Facebook profile until you get your footing so people know who you are.

As time goes on, more companies will look at what you are writing and sponsor your posts.

How Can I Make $1000 per Month as a Blogger?

There are many people asking this but there are multiple ways for you to achieve this.

-Create an email list and get readers to sign up for it. This will be a huge opportunity in building your blog’s credibility when you have people who are waiting to hear from you with each new post!

-Get active on sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. Encourage followers by giving them access into your personal life or get them involved with polls & quizzes

This way, they’ll feel more engaged and less bored scrolling through their timelines all day long!

Offer giveaways of prizes if possible too as that has been shown to increase engagement rates significantly.

-Do guest posts on popular blogs (ie: Huffington Post) which can lead to traffic back onto your site AND increases the chances of being contacted about doing an interview.

-Do some research on the most popular bloggers in your niche, get to know them and take note of their strengths & weaknesses – then you can try and make a better version of what they’re doing (for example: if one blogger posts at least five times per week then maybe it’s worth aiming for that as well).

-Create content which is genuine or original so people will like it more and come back again! It also makes sense from an SEO perspective because Google favors fresh content over old stuff plus there are heaps of ways to get paid blogging these days too.

Ways to Make Money Blogging

1 – Affiliate marketing

One of the best ways to getting paid blogging is affiliate marketing.

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliates get a commission for each sale they make, and sometimes these commissions are pretty high.

The company that you’re promoting will usually provide an affiliate link or code to use at the end of your post – so viewers can then turn around and buy it themselves without leaving your blog.

How do I get started with affiliate marketing?

Create content showcasing products from particular brands to create links back to their site where people can purchase them.

You’ll get paid if someone clicks through on one of those links and makes a purchase!

It’s up to you whether this is something worth doing as there are some downsides, such as not testing out items before purchasing.

But most bloggers prefer to buy the products and review them. By doing it this way, they are doing authentic reviews.

2 – Selling Information Products

This method is the more straightforward, get-rich-quick way to getting paid blogging.

You can write and sell your book or digital course online – it just has to be something people want!

It helps to talk to your audience to know their needs before you create your book or course.  This way, you know they want to get it and will purchase it.

To make money blogging by selling information products:

-Create a product that solves their problem or makes them more successful

-Talk with your audience before creating the course. This action helps you understand your audience’s needs so you can fill in those gaps

-Be sure to promote any of your courses at every opportunity; this means writing about how people can get access to your book or study online as well as using sites like Facebook (see below) for promotion.

This action also includes sending out a newsletter whenever possible!

The most important thing when promoting an information product is getting traffic on it – if new readers come into contact with the material, there is a great chance they will buy.

3 – Selling Advertising Spots in Your Blog

A lot of bloggers are getting paid for blogging by including advertising in their blogs.

You can do this activity either through a complimentary service or with Adsense, which is Google’s sponsored search system that pays you to place advertisements on your site when it matches up with the keyword that your reader used.

– Place an ad near the top and at least once per page of posts, so readers are aware they’re there but not too often as to get annoying

-For any advertisement placed on your blog, make sure it links back to the website of the ad.

This way, people will get more information about whatever product was advertised while also contacting other advertisers’ websites.

4 – Create Sponsored Posts

There are many ways to getting paid blogging. One of them is creating sponsored posts, which can be done for free or in exchange for a fee.

Write posts about products and services from companies that have approached you; these will often include affiliate links within the post so if readers purchase any items through your link, you’ll get a commission on their sale

Reach out to brands with content ideas they might want to pay someone like yourself to create

Create branded advertising campaigns by writing blog posts around an advertiser’s product lineup and promoting it within those blogposts

Keep in mind: You should talk about why people would buy this item instead of just listing features! This way, when visitors browse the company website after reading.

5 – Create and Sell Your Own Products

You can also experience getting paid by creating your own digital products.

This concept is not limited to information products. You can also create physical products and get paid to promote them.

For example, you could start selling t-shirts on Amazon using the text of your latest article or post about “how to get paid blogging.”

It may take some work upfront (e.g., designing an awesome shirt), but once someone buys it, you’ll make back what you put into production as well as any profit margin percentage if you are selling it at a profit.

You could also get paid to promote products that you’re not an affiliate for, but get a percentage commission when someone makes a purchase.

For example, let’s say that your blog is about how to get paid blogging and you have written posts all over the web promoting Buffer as your favorite social media management tool.

When someone buys Buffer as a result of your post, you will get paid a commission for it.

6 – Sell Your Writing Skill

As a blogger, you may get some invites from people who like to hire you as a content writer. That is natural because they saw your freelance writing skill as you write your blogposts.

It all starts with building your blogging portfolio. You can do that by simply writing on your blog consistently.

The next steps are to get started with some freelancing opportunities and get a feel for how much you can charge. If the amount is too low, then just keep blogging until you get better offers.

It’s important not to jump right into high-paying writing gigs because it will be difficult to build up your portfolio if you are only getting paid once in awhile.

TIP: You may want to work out pricing based on word count or pay per article depending on what type of writing gig it is!

7 – Explore Paid-to-Write Websites

There are also some Paid-to-Write websites that can give you more money for your writing skill. These are usually paid per article that you write about the brands included in the website.

How Successful Bloggers are Making Money

Bloggers get paid by the number of page views on their blogposts, not per click.

If you get many people to your site through SEO and organic searches (words related to what your post is about), you’ll get more money out of it.

You can also join Google AdSense or an affiliate program, so people will make purchases from links they see on your website.

Adam Enfroy

Adam Enfroy is a well-known blogger who managed to make a lot of money from his blog. He creates a case study on how his blog made money.

He is an inspiration to bloggers who want to make money from their blogs finally.

The first step in Adam’s case study for get-paid-blogging was to create valuable content that sells, which he achieved by tracking the number of hits each post received over time.

He often shares his personal experiences with others because it will reach a large audience as people love reading stories that relate to them personally.

Neil Patel

Another blogger or influencer in the make-money blogging niche is Neil Patel. Neil wrote an article on how to get paid blogging.

His methods are very similar to the ones Adam Enfroy uses. But his blog also has an extensive list of content, making him the go-to blogger for digital marketing.

Melyssa Griffin

Melyssa is another blogger who has been writing about get-paid blogging. She offers a lot of tips on how to make money from blog posts and tutorials.

Anastasia Blogger

Another blogger or influencer in the get-paid blogging niche is Anastasia.

She offers tips on getting a blog and monetizing it and many other topics related to making money from your website, including affiliate marketing.


Ryrob is not a get-paid blogger per se, but he offers some great tips on making money from your blog and the options you have for monetizing it.

These bloggers share information on how you can make money online blogging. But they offer more than make money online tips. They also teach you how to write better posts.

How Long Before You Make Money With Your Blog?

You might get frustrated and wonder how long it will take to get paid blogging. The answer is that it depends on your blog’s niche, what you plan to do for monetization, and how good the content of your blog posts is.

In his article “How Long Before You Make Money With Your Blog?” Ryrob offers a few different factors that affect whether or not you can get paid blogging quickly.

He talks about how bloggers with very targeted blogs in high-demand niches like a tech start out making money much more rapidly than those who write about things related to health or parenting – even if they’re just as skilled at writing!

Ryrob also describes some strategies for getting traffic: guest posting on other sites in your industry. It is not enough to write your blog post. It would help if you also did your share of getting traffic to it.

Do Most Bloggers Make Money?

Yes, blogging is a way to get paid. Bloggers continue what they are doing because they are properly compensated for what they are doing.

The idea behind get paid blogging is to get money from your blog. Making money with a blog takes time and effort, but it can be done.

There are many ways that bloggers have found success in making money online with their blogs. It is all about finding the right way for you to get paid blogging.

TIP: You should have a blog and get traffic before starting this site because it makes money.

How Can You Make $1000 Per Month Blogging?

One of the most popular ways to make money online is through blogging. This article will give you some ideas on getting started and turning your blog into a profitable business venture.

First off, your blog must have content worth reading. If people visit your site and see nothing but ads or spammy links, they’re going to leave right away!

No matter what type of affiliate marketing plan you have in place—whether with Amazon Associates or Google AdSense—you need good quality content for visitors to stumble upon if they want more information about something specific.

Even those who do happen across one of our advertisements will only click on it if you have awesome content.

Also, it helps to chart your journey. Start with how much money you want to make and work backward. For example, if you’re going to make $25 per month from your blog, get an estimate on how many views will contact and work backward.

You must have patience when trying out different methods, as some may not pay up right away. Some processes may take some time before you make any money out of them.

How Many Views Does a Blogger Need to get paid?

The answer to this question is that it all depends on the blog. To get paid, you need at least 600 views per month from your site.

These views will get you $25 in ad revenue every single day and adds up quickly over time.

What Types of Blogs Make the Most Money?

The amount that you make is highly dependent on your blog traffic. Some blogs get a lot more traffic than others, but their ad revenue will always be dependent on the number of readers.

As your blog gains more and more followers, the ad revenue will get bigger and better.

Why You Should Do Keyword Research Before You Create a Blog?

You can only estimate the amount of traffic that your blog can get if you do keyword research.

Keyword research can get you a lot of traffic.

Plus, it will help your blog get ranked higher in search engine result pages so that more people are likely to find what they’re looking for.

You get to know the important keywords in your niche and you can then use these words throughout your content.

When somebody searches for a keyword that is present on any of your blog posts, it will appear higher up in search results which means more people clicking through to read about what you’ve written!

Plus this also helps with SEO because if Google knows everything is relevant they’ll rank you better.

Keyword research allows us to create our own set of phrases or ‘keywords’ (just like other bloggers!) so we’re not copying them but instead adding value by creating something original…plus it’s easier than sitting there trying to think up new topics all the time too right? 😉

What You Should Do Before Writing A Blog Post

You should always do some type of keyword research first before writing a blog post because this will help with SEO and make the content better.

There’s no need to be afraid about not being able to rank because Google has stated that site owners don’t need to worry about getting penalized if all their posts have been original content.

Rather, it is better to focus on having excellent quality content instead.

Also, it helps to have a blog post outline.

It will help you get your thoughts together so that when you start typing away at your computer screen or laptop keyboard, you know what points are coming next in line and how they tie into one another.

It provides an easy flow for readers who might skim through quickly without reading every single word as well as those who love to look at headings and images.

How to get paid blogging?

The answer is not easy because there are many things you need to do to get started. It doesn’t take much time, but it does take some work on your part if you want to make money from blogging.

First, you have to create an account with Google AdSense or similar (just like any other website).

Second, sign up for affiliate programs that may be relevant to your blog. You can look at products and services that can be of interest to your audience.

Third, have a plan for your website. Think about the blog topics that you like to write about. It would help if you also got some feedback from your audience while coming up with topics.

You can use various tools like Typeform or Surveymonkey to help get people’s attention to fill out surveys to obtain data for content ideas for future posts. This way, you know what things interest your readers most of all.

The first thing you need to do is think about what subjects they might be interested in and then list the more popular ones.

Fourth, create a blog post on those topics. When it comes time to writing, start by researching the subject and providing as many helpful tips as possible – not just one-liners but complete guides.

How to Start Blogging with No Money

You may think that you have to spend money to make money with your blog. But that’s not true at all. In fact, with the right strategy, you can get started without spending a dime.

Blogging is a lucrative way to make money. The best part is that you can do it even if you don’t have that much money to spend.

How to Start a Blog for Free

If you want to get started with a blog but don’t have the resources, fear not. There are plenty of free ways to get you started. Here are some free blogging tools that you can use.


WordPress is a blogging program where one can publish their content without any coding knowledge or page design skills.

Many people get paid blogging on wordpress by advertising other relevant products with affiliate marketing links. This tool allows bloggers to generate income over time by referring others to the same advertising opportunities.


Wix is a website builder that includes blogging functionality. You can create websites for free with the platform, and people can get paid blogging at blogs they have created on this site. Wix allows you to customize your website with pre-made layouts and designs, or you can use your format if you choose.


Another platform that you can use is Squarespace. This website offers templates that are customizable. It has a blog, so you get all the benefits of hosting your blog on Squarespace and get to use its features too!

It helps to test these platforms first to see the ones that are most compatible with you before you use them.

Should you Start a Blog?

It’s worth considering if you have the time and ability to establish a following before having professional expectations of consistent, high-quality blog content.

However, if you are aware that blogging is not a great career option for you (not many people can get paid blogging), invest your energy elsewhere because starting a blog and not continuing could be pretty demoralizing.

Websites That Pays You to Blog

Did you know that there are websites that pay you to blog? Some websites compensate you for your work, and they’ll even provide content to get you started.

There’s a fine line between blogging for free and being compensated with money – so it pays to read the terms of use before deciding if this is something that will be worth your time.

This article will look at how these blog sites pay their bloggers and other things like what needs to happen to get paid.

Writers Weekly

Writers Weekly is a blog that pays its writers for their work. It uses an automated system to scour the internet for original content and then pays a writer based on how many blogs syndicated their posts. The more you submit, the more money you make.

Writers Weekly provides bloggers with an opportunity to make side money by taking advantage of affiliate links to monetize their websites.

By having your site, either personal or professional, you are afforded additional advertising opportunities when linking out (allowing other business owners to generate additional revenue).

Bloggers can also take advantage of Affiliate Monitor Ads to generate revenue from your site without needing any ads whatsoever.


Informative-type people are always looking for creative ways to spend their time. One turned up his nose at doing something boring (and labor-intensive).

And instead, found a side hustle where he could get paid money blogging on “Polygon.” Now that he’s earned real money giving his opinions about games on this site, there’s no trouble convincing him to get paid for blogging.

Polygon is one of the most popular sites on the internet, and he gets to share his opinions with a vast audience. He started by writing game reviews – which he had plenty of experience in doing from being an avid gamer himself before starting this blog-type business venture.


Listverse is an educational and informational website that seeks to provide readers with interesting and unusual facts from all areas of knowledge.

They have a team that researches the best content for their readers, which gets shared on social media sites such as Facebook! You can be a part of this team and get paid in the process.

Digital Ocean Community

 If you’ve ever wanted to start a blog, this is your chance. Engage with other contributors at the site and share what you know.

If visitors like your posts, they’ll share more of them on their social profiles. And if people find your blogs exciting or informative, there will be a chance for you to make money blogging with the Digital Ocean Community.


Sitepoint is a website devoted to blogging and supporting bloggers. It’s free to sign up and post articles, blog posts, web development tutorials, video tutorials, or anything else you want.

You’re paid each time someone reads your piece – the rates are based on how much you’ve read of their content that month.

Cracked Humor Blog

The Cracked humor blog pays writers to contribute and take the time to provide entertaining articles on a variety of topics. You get paid if your article is published.

There are so many websites that pays bloggers to blog nowadays that it is all a matter of choosing the right websites for you.

How Do I Get Paid Blogging?

There are many ways that bloggers get their share of pie, but there is no one-size fits all approach as different people have found success in getting paid from diverse sources.

The most popular methods include:

  • writing sponsored posts on your own blog
  • having eBooks or information products that you sell (either with an affiliate program or by selling them yourself)
  • signing up with a content marketing company where they will pay you based on how much work you produce each month
  • creating an online course to get paid when someone subscribes after reading your content.

The methods can vary but it all depends on the method that you like to use to make money.

How to Start a Blog and Make Money Online

One of the reasons to start a blog is that it can make money online. This is often accomplished through advertising and affiliate marketing where bloggers will promote a product in their posts and receive a commission or referral fee for any sales that are generated by the post.

You may want to make money online blogging if:

*You enjoy writing, reading, photography or videography

*You like sharing your expertise with others on topics of interest to you

*You have an entrepreneurial spirit and desire more control over how much time you spend working each day (not required)

Blogs become profitable when it becomes popular enough so that people seek out what they need from your site instead of looking elsewhere online for other sources which increases traffic.

Your goal should be to become an authority in your niche.

Start out with writing about what you’re knowledgeable in or passionate about, but make sure that it’s something people are interested in reading so they’ll come back for more.

This may take some trial and error before hitting on the right thing – try different topics by going through lists of keywords related to your interests until you find one that resonates well with you and also has an existing audience (you can use Google Trends or other resources to check this).

Pitch yourself as the expert by providing facts and helpful tips rather than just personal opinion on controversial issues, then add affiliate links within articles leading readers where they need to go.

STEP ONE: Choose a Niche for your Blog

Niche is a word used to describe an area of interest or expertise.

Do you want to write about fitness? Or parenting tips. Whatever it may be! The best way for readers to get a feel of what they can expect from your blog is by narrowing down the type of content featured on it.

Once this decision has been made, create a list of keywords based on these topics or subcategories as well so that Google knows where to find them in search results!

If you get into blogging for money, choose your niche and make sure it’s something that interests you enough to write about regularly. Your blog should be the best place on the internet for people in this particular field.

STEP TWO: Sign up with Blogger/Wordpress

This step will help get your website online and keep track of all posts as they happen, so you don’t have to worry about backups!

You get access to free templates if using blogger and can edit freely with no cost – but the downside is that Google owns everything hosted there. WordPress has more customization options at a higher price point than blogger does.

STEP THREE: Choose a Target Audience for Your Blog

The success of your blog is highly dependent on your chosen audience. How many people are reading your blog? What are their age range, gender, and geographic location?

STEP FOUR: Decide How Often You Want To Publish Content On Your Blog

Some bloggers post every day while others might only publish weekly – whatever seems like the best fit for you, go with it.

It also helps to look at the practices in your niche. If you have a lot of competition, then publishing more than once every couple of days is worth considering.

How Much Money Can I Make Blogging?

You’re probably wondering how much income you’ll receive from blogging. This is difficult to answer as it depends on many factors such as niche topic, content quality, traffic sources, etc.

Bloggers who monetize their blogs with affiliate marketing or Adsense will see more success in making money than someone without proper training for those methods.

You should also be aware that not every blogger makes an extra penny from their work – this typically requires hard work day after day over time which only some people have patience for!

Why Blogging is Not for Everyone

There are plenty of people who have either tried their hand at blogging or wanted to but just never got around to it.

The idea of sitting in front of a computer and trying to write for hours on end with the hopes that somebody else would find it interesting is enough to make some people want to curl up under a rock, let alone see any income from their work.

That said, blogging is not for everyone – and there are many reasons why.

There is a lot more than just writing involved in keeping an online presence, and not everybody has the time nor inclination.

Many bloggers lavish hours upon end into making videos interviewing other successful bloggers (bloggers love reading about themselves), planning posts days ahead.

The reality is that blogging isn’t for everyone, and there are many reasons why.

Blogging requires someone who loves social media and can get their message out using all sorts of different strategies – so if your concept doesn’t fit with this, then stay away!

How about you? Have you made money blogging? Tell us your story below. 

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Anna Maria Świątecka

Anna Maria Świątecka

My mission is to teach the next generation of entrepreneurs how to make money online by building location Independent Businesses and live their lives to the fullest.
The world is your oyster. It's up to you to find the pearls." Chris Gardner 



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